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Monday, January 16, 2012

Tampa Bay Criminal Defense Lawyer - Top 10 Dangerous Prescription Drugs

Something different this week, a guest post by Paige Dagmar, a student and writer for pharmacy degrees, which helps students find the right pharmacy degree...

Top 10 Danger Prescriptions

We all probably need a prescription medication at some or other in our lives, but how many of them are doing more harm than good? With the FDA constantly recalling drugs and daytime television riddled with class action lawsuits against drug companies, it can be a scary thing to have that prescription refilled. To help give you a better idea, we have gathered just ten of the most dangerous prescription drugs out there. Be sure and take all prescriptions as advised, and if you are concerned about being prescribed any of these, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

1. Oxycodone – Also commonly known as OxyContin, this is one of the most dangerous and addictive prescription drugs out there. It is an opiate class drug and is used as a pain killer, but is very addictive. Abuse of the drug is common and counted for over 100,000 visits to the ER in the U.S. in 2009.

2. Cortisone – These injections are actually commonplace and used to treat ailments such as allergic reactions and poison ivy. It is a type of steroid that is normally produced in the body but can be dangerous. It is less dangerous when used in the short term, but when taken over a long period of time can cause heart disorders, ulcers, diabetes, and even intestinal bleeding.

3. Chemotherapeutic drugs – Have you ever heard someone say that it wasn’t the cancer that killed them, it was the chemotherapy? They are telling the truth as these drugs, also known as methotrexate, work by ravaging the cancer, which is also does damage to the body. This is why chemotherapy is used as a latter resort and why early detection of cancer is so important.

4. Clozapine – This prescription drug is used as an anti-psychotic and often used to treat disorders such as schizophrenia. Also known as Fazaclo, it can also cause serious blood conditions, seizures, or swelling of the heart muscle. Because the drug is so dangerous, doctors often use it as a last resort and have patients undergo several tests before they take it.

5. Acetaminophen – You may better recognize this drug as Tylenol. While the pill is safe for over the counter use for many patients, there is a danger in over use. Those who take acetaminophen for a long period of time, over four grams a day, or for days at a time can experience liver damage, among other issues. Patients with liver or other digestive issues should ask their doctor before taking acetaminophen.

6. Prozac – An anti-depression drug that can lead to suicide? These were the claims when those who took Prozac began showing thoughts of suicide. Also known as fluoxetine, it is intended to regulate serotonin in the brain but can also bring about a state of constant agitation, which can be worse than depression. This is one of the reasons why Prozac is rarely prescribed for depression anymore.

7. Methadone – It is the suspected drugs in many celebrity deaths, including the son of Anna Nicole Smith. It is used as an aid to those trying to withdraw from methamphetamines, but is often misused by the addicts themselves and others. Along with the addictive properties of methadone, it can also cause sleep apnea, in which those who take it stop breathing in their sleep and can die.

8. Statins – These kinds of drugs are taken to lower cholesterol and are also known as Zocor, Mevacor, and Pravachol. They work by reducing cholesterol in the liver but can also cause liver toxicity, cataracts, and muscle inflammation if taken for a long period of time.

9. Blood thinners – Also used to treat heart issues, blood thinners are more for patients who have or are prone to heart attacks and/or strokes. Taking blood thinners has been known to weaken the patient to bleeding even from small scratches. Those taking them should use extreme caution and have even minor cuts treated immediately.

10. Ritalin – Commonly used to treat ADD and ADHD, this drug and its counterpart Adderall can have side effects worse than the conditions they are supposed to treat. These side effects can include hostility, insomnia, and anxiety. Worse yet, since ADD and ADHD can commonly be misdiagnosed, the patients taking these drugs can be doing it without due cause.

Have you or a loved one been arrested for a possession of a controlled substance charge? Then contact the criminal defense lawyers at Blake & Dorsten, P.A. today for a free consultation!

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